We were pleased when North Arm selected Frontier Power to supply a custom power unit to supply electrical as well as hydraulic power aboard this innovative barge.
Custom Crane at Bennett Dam – John Deere Engine
This custom crane application is located at the W.A.C. Bennett Dam in northeast BC.
Drill Power Unit in Eskay Creek Area – John Deere Engine
This shows a John Deere engine (125 hp at 2400 rpm) on a Driftwood Diamond Drilling drill power unit in the Eskay Creek area of northwest B.C..
Cable Ferry James Apetagon – John Deere Engine and Kubota-driven Genset
The cable ferry C.F. James Apetegon was placed back in service after being stretched, widened, refurbished and re-powered.
Other Interesting Projects . . .
We have reliable equipment running from Canada’s far north to South America to Africa and Asia.