Hypervac Technologies is an O.E.M. manufacturing HVAC cleaning equipment since 1980.
Clean Energy With Kubota Power
Westgen Technologies is a Calgary based cleantech company focused on enabling certifiable net-zero oil and gas production
Industrial Heaters – John Deere Engines (pdf)
GenTex industrial heaters warm up fracking fluids fast.
Pothole Patcher – John Deere Engine
Superior Roads is a Regina based company that designs and builds pothole patchers, street sweepers and gutter brooms.
Track-Mounted Core Drill – John Deere Engine with Funk Pump Drive
Zinex Mining Corp produces high performance diamond drills for the mining exploration industry.
Alaskan Differential GPS Towers: Two Long Run Gensets with Kubota Engines
We designed and built four generator sets for Silver Mountain Construction for two microwave-based differential global positioning system (DGPS) towers in Alaska.
Remote Pipeline Site Installation – Kubota-driven Gensets
Inter Pipeline requested that we build and install three 18 kW, 600 V generator sets in remote areas.
All Terrain Vehicles – John Deere Engine and Funk Pump Drives
These machines are tracked vehicles used to assemble remote drill sites and drill rigs working in South America. They are designed to operate in very extreme conditions throughout the globe.
Other Interesting Projects . . .
We have reliable equipment running from Canada’s far north to South America to Africa and Asia.